

大学生活充满挑战! 为了帮助您,我们为您指派了一个成功团队,在您在det365手机版官网工作期间为您提供指导和支持.


教师顾问, 学术 Success Coach, and Financial Aid Counselor

与你的成功团队联系, log into your Watermark account using your college UserID and Password. Check out your Profile p年龄 for your Success Team information.


To register for courses, schedule an Intake Advising 任命 with a Success Coach. 给学术支持办公室发邮件 (电子邮件保护) 安排预约.


星期一至星期四:上午8点.m. – 4:00 p.m.,

星期五:上午8点.m. – 2:30 p.m.

我们将审查你的学习计划, 选择课程, 在第一学期的课程中预留座位, and establish the timeline to complete your Program of Study. 做好准备!

  • Before your appointment, think about your personal and academic goals. Do you have any barriers or concerns about attending college?
  • 你的成功教练如何帮助你成功?


  • Make sure you enroll and complete an ACA (学术 Success) class.
  • 访问 薄层色谱 - A座2楼. 研究表明,每学期至少接受3小时辅导的学生更有可能成功! 可提供面对面、虚拟和在线辅导.
  • Meet with your Success Coach at least two times each semester!
  • Meet with your 教师顾问 prior to the upcoming registration periods. 指导老师需要批准你即将注册的课程,你需要他们的批准才能注册课程:
    • 夏季和秋季学期的注册将于4月开始
    • Registration for spring semesters opens in late October – early November


  • 登录您的水印帐户以找到您的学院顾问-信息在您的个人资料页面上提供. 输入用户名和密码.
  • Schedule a meeting with your Advisor and come prepared to your meeting!
    • 你的学习怎么样了?
    • What classes do you need to complete your Program of Study?
    • 下学期你想报什么班?
    • 你有什么障碍影响你的学习吗?
    • 你的学业计划更新了吗?
    • 你的指导老师如何进一步帮助你?


你必须与你的指导老师或成功教练见面,以增加、减少或改变你的课程安排. 登录你的 水印通报 account to send an email directly to your Advisor/Success Coach, 或发送一般电子邮件给学术支持服务, (电子邮件保护) 寻求帮助.

如果你要放弃课程, make sure to do so prior to the first day of class to avoid tuition and fee charges. After classes begin, you can only make schedule changes to your schedule 在头两天 你可能只会收到部分退款.

一旦课程普查日期发生(课程分数的10%),你就不能再退课了——你必须退出这门课. 课程普查日期可在 课程安排.


如果你想退出一门课,你必须与你的指导老师或成功教练见面. 登录你的 Watermark account to send an email directly to your Advisor/Success Coach, 或发送一般电子邮件给学术支持服务 (电子邮件保护) 寻求帮助.

Official withdraws will be issued a grade of “W”, which appear on your transcript. “W”的等级 在计算GPA时要考虑这个因素, 但是出于经济援助资格的考虑, 可能会影响你的总学分尝试.

请注意财政援助和奖学金获得者必须联系学生财政资源办公室, (电子邮件保护) 评估退学对已获资助及未来获得资助资格的影响. 和财务援助顾问谈谈 之前 你决定退课!

提款截止日期公布在 校历.


你的学习计划的变化可能会影响经济援助和奖学金资格,并增加你完成证书的时间. If you want to change your Program of Study, meet with your 教师顾问 or Success Coach. 登录你的 Watermark account to send an email directly to your Advisor/Success Coach, 或发送一般电子邮件给学术支持服务, (电子邮件保护) 寻求帮助.

在决定一个新的学习项目之前,与你的指导老师/成功教练讨论这个变化是很重要的.  你的成功教练将帮助你确定最适合你的学术和个人目标的课程.

请注意: 经济援助和奖学金获得者必须联系学生财政资源办公室, (电子邮件保护) to assess the impact of changing a Program of Study on financial aid 资格. 一些经济援助/奖学金项目 可以限制还是不允许 你必须改变你的学习计划.

Program of Study changes are made effective with the start of the following semester.

Returning Students (away from the College for more than 2 Consecutive Semesters)

如果你在大学注册课程已经超过一年,你的记录可能不再有效. Click on the “重新申请学院” button below to complete 步骤1. 和步骤2 重新激活你的录取记录.

Once you have been readmitted to the college, contact the Office of 学术 Support, (电子邮件保护), to schedule an advising appointment to register for upcoming classes.



  • 新同学:
    • 设置你的用户名和密码——你的用户名是你的名字的前四个字母和你的学生证号码的后五位数字.  点击下面的链接,然后选择“重置密码”. 如果你有问题,请拨打910远程学习.755.7390. 或者通过电子邮件联系他们, (电子邮件保护).
  • 当前的学生:
    • 登入“自助服务”,选择“学生计划”, and then select “My Progress” to view the classes you still need to complete your degree.
    • 在课程安排公布后,尽快联系你的导师,安排一次与他们的会面,以确保你得到了你需要的课程. 
    • After meeting with your advisor, plan the classes you discussed in Self-Service.


  • 新同学:
    • 你必须完成一个入学咨询预约.
    • 电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) to schedule an intake advising appointment to register for classes!  接受ing appointments: Monday-Thursday 8-4 and Friday 8-2:30.
  • 当前的学生:
    • 登录您的自助服务帐户
      • 选择“学生计划”
      • 点击“Go to Plan” & 计划”
    • Add the classes you discussed with your advisor to your plan.
    • Select the “Advising” tab on the “Plan and 计划” screen on Self-Service.
      • 点击“请求审查”按钮
    • You will receive an email as soon as your advisor reviews your plan.
      • Log back in to Self-Service to ensure that you are registered for your planned classes!



  • Pay for classes through Self-Service or by calling the 业务 office at 910.755.用电话付款.
    • 查看 校历 关于付款的重要日期.
  • 搜索和购买您的教科书通过 det365手机版官网校园书店.
    • 如果你打算用财政援助来购买你的书, you will need to wait until ten days prior to the start of classes.
  • 如果你需要改变你的课程表, 向你的顾问或成功教练寻求帮助. 
    • 查看 校历 对于重要的添加、删除和撤回日期.


  • 在你在bbc工作期间, you will want to discuss your transfer plans with your faculty advisor or success coach.  您的指导老师或成功教练将帮助您创建一个学术计划,以简化您的转学过程,并确保您能够转移尽可能多的学分.
    • 你的学术计划很大程度上依赖于 学士学位课程(BDP) 由你打算转学的大学张贴, 所以,一定要自己看看你的选择,或者和你的指导老师或成功教练一起看看.
  • 一旦你确定了你想转到的学院或大学和项目, 一定要查看他们的录取过程和标准,以确保你不会错过任何重要的日期!
  • 请求你的 det365手机版官网成绩单



  • 转学的事我该找谁?
    • You should talk to your faculty advisor or success coach about your interest in transferring.  他们会帮助你回顾你的选择,并制定一个学术计划,让你去你想去的地方!
  • 什么是CAA ?它对我有什么帮助?
    • CAA代表全面衔接协议.  CAA允许北卡罗来纳社区学院的毕业生以大三的身份转到北卡罗来纳大学系统的大学.
  • 我转入大学的项目是否合适?
    • The CAA allows students in the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science programs the ability to transfer to institutions in the UNC system with junior status; however, 还有其他衔接协议允许应用科学副学士(AAS)课程的学生转学到特定的学院和大学.  看看你所有的选择 衔接协议页!
  • Can I transfer to another college or university 之前 I complete my Associates degree?
    • 虽然你可以在det365手机版官网完成学位之前转学到另一所学院或大学, 你将不受CAA的保护.  另外, 如果你完成了学位,其他学院和大学可能会给你更多的转学分.
  • 我应该重修那些成绩不好的课程吗?
    • If you failed any classes that are requirements for your degree, you will need to retake them to successfully complete your degree.  另外, any grades lower than a “C” will not transfer to another college or university.
  • 我的GPA能跟随我进入下一所大学吗?
    • Your GPA will not follow you to another college or university; however, potential transfer universities may review your det365手机版官网 GPA as part of their admissions process.


  • 登录您的自助服务帐户来评估您的进度.
    • 选择“学生计划”,然后选择“我的进度”,查看您的学习计划的必修课程. 
  • Ensure that you are registered for all remaining classes needed for graduation
  • Reach out to your 教师顾问 or Success Coach to confirm your 资格!
  • Once you are registered for your final courses, apply to the 注册商’s Office to Graduate. Graduation Application, select the “Graduation Overview” section.


  • 联系 your faculty advisor or success coach to review your program evaluation
    • 你的指导老师或成功教练将确保你注册了毕业所需的所有剩余课程,并将审查你的GPA,以确保你准备好完成毕业申请.


  • 一旦你和你的顾问或成功教练确定你准备好申请毕业, complete the graduation application by clicking the button below! 点击下面的“申请研究生”按钮, 登录您的自助服务帐户, and select the “Graduation Overview” tab to begin your application.

需要额外帮助? Reach out to us via one of the following methods 寻求帮助:


